Saturday, August 18, 2007

Diver Destroyers Bio - Troy Smart

Born and raised in Western NC, I've been an avid outdoorsman since a very young age. Squirrel hunting & fishing with my dad was a treat for me, and I am passing on that tradition to my children for them to enjoy. My father wasn't a waterfowler, so my outdoor activities were basically concentrated on deer, small game, and trout fishing.... until later on in life.

Several years ago, I met a gentleman (Phil Kinnaird) from Currituck County NC (coastal NC), and he invited me out on a duck hunt. As our friendship grew, I finally took him up on the duck hunt.... and made life long friends with his wonderful family, and fell in love with the wonderful sport of waterfowling. My late beginnings in waterfowling, were diver concentrated.... the open water of the Currituck Sound, long lines of decoys into the wind, cigars for the gents in the blind, running out the ditch from the Coinjock access, and..... I can not get enough of it. To fill in the days of non-coastal hunting, I pursue the few puddle ducks and residential Canada geese here around home. Wood ducks are our primary species, with an occasional Gadwall, Mallard, Teal, and on good days - a stray diver or two.

At age 21 - I married my College sweet heart (Jeanne) back in 1986, and we now have 4 children. Daren (20), David (18), and Dillon (14) have hunted with me since they turned 12, and passed their Hunter Safety courses. Hannah (9), has been trout fishing (and caught several), but her hunting is on hold till she gets a little older. All of my son's have taken deer, ducks, and trout, and it has become more of a treat for me to watch them have success afield, rather than myself.

I'm the Chairman of the Caldwell County Ducks Unlimited Chapter in Lenoir, NC , and work as a transportation logistics coordinator for a local Furniture Manufacturing Firm in Lenoir, NC - that I have been with for the past 19 years. My off season activities include serving in various positions at my Church, and coaching my son Dillon's Classic soccer team (and transporting kids to all their extra curricular activities). Being a dad is a busy job, and it's the most enjoyable and rewarding job a man could ever have.